This is an English translation of the German version of this post.

Data Modeling is often an underappreciated aspect of software architecture, yet it plays a crucial role in achieving not only functional but also usability and maintainability goals. Poor data models and poorly integrated data models can greatly hinder architecture work. Consequently, data modeling — particularly of a project‘s core information — should be considered a fundamental responsibility of software architecture.

This is specifically relevant for the iSAQB Foundation training, which has just gained a new learning goal on data modeling.

This article examines two basic tools for good data models: sums and products. These concepts are known under a variety of names, depending on context, community, and programming language. Products are also known as records, structs, data classes, tuples, or and data, and sums are known as discriminated union, disjoint union, union, mixed data, and or data.

Sums and products have their roots in algebraic data types, which are well known from functional programming languages like Haskell or OCaml. However, the underlying concept is independent from a particular programming language. In many years of experience in software architecture and development, we have used this concept as a valuable tool for all kinds of data modeling tasks, in various programming languages and contexts.

This article explains the simple concept of sums and products. Further, it shows how to encode a simplified real-world scenario using sums and products in modern programming languages (Java, Python, Haskell, Kotlin, C#, Racket, Clojure, Scala, F#, Swift, Rust, Typescript).


Our scenario is based on long-standing experience with a large, commercial software system that implements a health information system to be used by hospitals. Clearly, we have greatly simplified the scenario and omitted many details.

A health information system should provide information about the medication of a patient. In our simplified scenario, a medication consists of the name of a drug and its dosage. There are two different kinds of dosages, depending on whether the drug is administered orally via tablets or intravenously via an infusion.

The dosage for tablets specifies the number of tablets to be taken in the morning, at midday, and in the evening. For example, the dosage 1-0-2 specifies that one tablet should be taken in the morning, no tablet at midday, and two tablets in the evening.

The dosage for infusions specifies how fast the infusion should flow into the body (in milliliters per minute) and how long the infusion should run (in hours). For example, the dosage 1.5ml/min for 2h specifies that the infusion should run for 2 hours at the speed of 1.5ml per minute.

Products and Sums

Let‘s look at the structure of the data involved:

  • Medication consists of the drug name and the dosage.
  • Dosage is either a dosage of tablets or of infusions.
  • Dosage of tablets consists of the amount of tablets to be taken at morning, midday, and evening.
  • Dosage of infusion consists of the speed (ml/min) and the duration (h).

You can see a few recurring words here: Specifically, the description of medication and the two different dosages uses „consists of“ and the word „and“, whereas the description of dosage uses „or“. Different wordings are possible (e.g. „has attributes“ for the former and „is one of the following“ for the latter), but the wordings always describe the two sorts of data that are fundamentally different - one is „and data“, the other is „or data“. As stated above, these two concepts go by different names, but the most common ones are products (for „and data“) and sums (for „or data“).

  • A product has several, fixed attributes.
  • A sum has several, distinct alternatives.

Code for Sum and Products

Here is a translation of the data descriptions into Java code:

public record Medication(String drugName, Dosage dosage) {}

public sealed interface Dosage {
    record Tablet(int morning, int midday, int evening) implements Dosage {}
    record Infusion(double speed, int duration) implements Dosage {}

Java supports products through record classes, and sums through the combination of sealed interfaces and classes implementing them. (You might have noticed that this code is not „classic Java“ and uses fairly recent features - we‘ll get to that.)

Programming languages differ in how they support sums and products. Here is Python, for example:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class TabletDosage:
    morning: int
    midday: int
    evening: int

class InfusionDosage:
    speed: float
    duration: int

type Dosage = TabletDosage | InfusionDosage

class Medication:
    drugName: str
    dosage: Dosage

As you can see, products are similar to Java, only that records are called data classes in Python. Sums, however, are not realized via interface implementation, but via a separate definition of Dosage where | denotes „or“.

The data in this example fits a pattern extremely common in data modeling: Is the data of this kind or that kind, and depending on the kind, data has attributes A1 and A2 or B1 and B2. In our terminology, we call this a sum of products. (Clearly, more than two kinds and attributes are possible.)

Typed functional languages have a feature that directly implements sum-of-products - so-called algebraic data types. Here is code in the functional language Haskell:

data Dosage
  = TabletDosage { morning :: Int, midday :: Int, evening :: Int }
  | InfusionDosage { speed :: Double, duration :: Int }

data Medication = Medication { drugName :: String, dosage :: Dosage }

Dosage is the sum of the products TableDosage (with attributes morning, midday, and evening) and InfusionDosage (with attributes speed and duration). Medication can be seen as a sum with only one alternative, namely the product Medication (with attributes drugName and dosage).

Sums and Products Gone Wrong

Even though the distinction between sums and products is usually quite clear from a description of the information to be represented in the software system, its implementation goes wrong surprisingly often.

One reason for this is that some popular languages, mechanisms and formalisms do not have direct support for sums.

Take SQL, for example, and imagine you‘d have to store medications in a table. A table/relation in SQL has a fixed set of columns, and we have to somehow map the information about dosages into a fixed format. One way to do it would be to make columns for all possible attributes, like so:

CREATE TABLE medications(
	drugName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
	dosageKind int NOT NULL, -- 1 for tablet, 2 for infusion
	morning int,
	midday int,
	evening int,
	speed double,
	duration int)

Here, the dosageKind column is a tag indicating which case of the sum it is. If it‘s 1, the row is supposed to represent a tablet dosage, and we‘d expect morning, midday, and evening to be non-null integers. Presumably, speed and duration should be null. Conversely for the other case.

This is a quite indirect encoding of a sum as a product, with the help of nullable types. This encoding poses significant risks of being misused: What if dosageKind is 1, but morning is null, and speed is 5? Everyone who has been around real-world SQL databases has seen rows like that, and the ensuing messiness and architecture problems.

Of course, tables in a relational database are just an external representation of the data, and an application is free to convert between a „proper“ data model in the software itself and its relational encoding. And it well should, be it via explicit code or via careful use of data transfer objects.

Note that a related problem exists in JSON: While JSON objects are not tied to a fixed format, JSON has no native mechanism for sums. Instead, we would typically use explicit tags to encode sums:

{ "drugName": "Paracetamol",
  "dosageKind": "tablet",
  "morning": 1,
  "midday": 0,
  "evening": 2

Again, this example emphasizes the need to separate between the data model in the software and encodings in a database or serialization formats, and use an anti-corruption layer between them as necessary.

Sums and Products and the Open/Closed Principle

Consider writing functions or methods that operate on a sum of products, such as one that formats the dosage for human readers. These functions usually have to branch on the specific case of dosage. In Java, there are fundamentally two ways of doing this branching. The object-oriented way uses polymorphic method dispatch to execute different code for different kind of dosages.

public sealed interface Dosage {
    String format();

    record Tablet(int morning, int midday, int evening) implements Dosage {
        public String format() {
            return morning + "-" + midday + "-" + evening;

    record Infusion(double speed, int duration) implements Dosage {
        public String format() {
            return speed + "ml/min for " + duration + "h";


However, modern Java also offers a more functional way via pattern matching. (Pattern matching in Java is greatly influence by functional languages with algebraic data types, see JEP 394, JEP 440, JEP 441, JEP 455, JEP 456).

public class Main {
    static String formatDosage(Dosage d) {
        return switch (d) {
            case Tablet(int morning, int midday, int evening) ->
                    morning + "-" + midday + "-" + evening;
            case Infusion(double speed, int duration) ->
                    speed + "ml/min for " + duration + "h";
            // Java compiler checks that we cover all cases.

    static String formatMedication(Medication m) {
        return m.drugName() + ": " + formatDosage(m.dosage());

The functional way has the advantage that the complete logic for formatting is in one place, so it is easy to reason about its behavior. Further, new operations (e.g. serializing/deserializing) can be added without touching the existing classes and interfaces. The disadvantage is that adding new kinds of dosages is somewhat painful because it requires extending all relevant switch-expressions with the new alternative. (Readers familiar with the visitor pattern might notice that this design pattern has similar tradeoffs: adding new operations is easy, adding new alternatives is hard.)

The object-oriented way via polymorphic method dispatch has advantages and disadvantages reversed. It is easy to add new kinds of dosages, one merely has to add a new class implementing Dosage without touching the existing code. But adding new operations is painful because it requires a new method in the Dosage interface, with changes to all classes implementing it.

The familiar Open/Closed Principle states that software - in the face of new requirements - should ideally only require extension, not modification. Code written in what we called the functional way (or with the visitor pattern) enables openness for new operations, whereas the object-oriented way enables openness for new alternatives.

The designers of functional languages and those who recently brought record/data classes and pattern matching into object-oriented languages felt that the tradeoffs of the functional way are worth considering. This is particularly the case with combinator models, a subject for another post.

Of course, it would be nice if both adding more cases and more functions would equally adhere to the open/closed principle. This is a problem in language design known as the expression problem.

The formatting code in Python can also be written via pattern matching. The static type checker pyright checks statically that the match covers all possible cases.

def format(m: Medication) -> str:
    return f'{m.drugName}: {formatDosage(m.dosage)}'

def formatDosage(d: Dosage) -> str:
    match d:
        case TabletDosage():
            return f'{d.morning}-{d.midday}-{d.evening}'
        case InfusionDosage():
            return f'{d.speed} ml/min for {d.duration}h'

Sums and Products in Various Languages

To illustrate programming with sums and products, we‘ve implemented representations for medication dosages along with the associated formatting function/method in various languages. For brevity, we list only the functionality for dosages, omitting the surrounding medication record. The full code is available.


Kotlin offers sealed interfaces and „data classes“ corresponding to Java‘s records. Kotlin does not offer pattern matching, but its flow-sensitive type system allows convenient access to the attributes of a summand. The compiler statically checks that a when covers all possible cases.

sealed interface Dosage {
    fun format(): String =
        when(this) {
            is Tablet ->
            is Infusion ->
                speed.toString() + "ml/min for " + duration + "h"
    data class Tablet(val morning: Int, val midday: Int, val evening: Int) : Dosage {}

    data class Infusion(val speed: Double, val duration: Int) : Dosage {}


In C#, we use records to encode products. For sums, we have to resort to inheritance.

public record Dosage {
    public record Tablet(int morning, int midday, int evening) : Dosage();
    public record Infusion(double speed, int duration) : Dosage();

    public string format() {
        return this switch {
            Tablet t => t.morning + "-" + t.midday + "-" + t.evening,
            Infusion i => i.speed + "ml/min for " + i.duration + "h",
            _ => throw new ApplicationException("unexpected dosage: " + this)

    // private constructor can prevent derived cases from being defined elsewhere
    private Dosage() {}

The compiler cannot check that Tablet and Infusion are the only possible subtypes of Dosage, so the switch statement in format requires a default case _. The official proposal for adding union types to C# would allow us to omit the default case.

Racket/Teaching Languages

The Racket system has many languages. The code here is written in the DeinProgramm teaching languages. These have records for products, allow declaring sums as „mixed data“, and support pattern matching. There is no static checking that the match covers all possible cases.

#lang deinprogramm/sdp
(define-record tablet
  (tablet-morning natural)
  (tablet-midday natural)
  (tablet-evening natural))

(define-record infusion
  (infusion-speed rational)
  (infusion-duration natural))

(define dosage
  (signature (mixed tablet infusion)))

(: format-dosage (dosage -> string))
(define format-dosage
  (lambda (dosage)
    (match dosage
      ((make-tablet morning midday evening)
       (string-append (number->string morning) "-"
                      (number->string midday) "-"
                      (number->string evening)))
      ((make-infusion speed duration)
        (number->string speed) "ml/min for "
        (number->string duration) "h")))))


Clojure offers records for products. Sums do not need to be explicitly declared. There is no static checking that the cond covers all possible cases.

(defrecord Tablet [morning midday evening])
(defrecord Infusion [speed duration])

(defn format-dosage
    (instance? Tablet dosage)
      (str (:morning dosage) "-" (:midday dosage) "-" (:evening dosage))
    (instance? Infusion dosage)
      (str (:speed dosage) "ml/min for " (:duration dosage) "h")))


Scala, a strongly typed language, has direct support for algebraic data types, called enumerations. The following is Scala 3 code. The compiler statically checks that a match covers all possible cases.

enum Dosage {
  case Tablet(morning: Int, midday: Int, evening: Int)
  case Infusion(speed: Double, duration: Int)

  def format =
    this match {
      case Tablet(morning, midday, evening) =>
        morning + midday + evening
      case Infusion(speed, duration) =>
        speed + "ml/min for " + duration + "h"


F# is another strongly typed language with algebraic data types and pattern matching. The compiler statically checks that a match covers all possible cases.

type Dosage
  = Tablet of int * int * int
  | Infusion of double * double

let formatDosage(dosage: Dosage): string =
	match dosage with
	| Tablet (morning, midday, evening) ->
	  string morning + "-" + string midday + "-" + string evening
	| Infusion (speed, duration) ->
	  string speed + "ml/min for " + string duration + "h"


Swift was inspired by strongly typed functional languages. It offers algebraic data types in the form of „enums“ as well as pattern matching. The compiler statically checks that a switch covers all possible cases.

enum Dosage {
    case Tablet(Int, Int, Int)
    case Infusion(Double, Int)

extension Dosage {
    func format() -> String {
        return switch self {
        case let .Tablet(morning, midday, evening):
            morning.formatted() + "-" + midday.formatted() + "-" + evening.formatted()
        case let .Infusion(speed, duration):
            speed.formatted() + "ml/min for " + duration.formatted() + "h"


Rust - being in many ways inspired by Haskell - has direct support for both algebraic data types and pattern matching. The compiler statically checks that match covers all possible cases.

enum Dosage {
    Tablet { morning: i32, midday: i32, evening: i32 },
    Infusion { speed: f32, duration: i32 }

fn format_dosage(dosage: Dosage) -> String {
    match dosage {
        Dosage::Tablet { morning, midday, evening } =>
        Dosage::Infusion { speed, duration } =>
            format!("{speed} ml/min for {duration}h")


Typescript‘s type system has „undiscriminated unions“ via the | operator. It‘s up to the programmer to include a tag in the participants of a union to distinguish them. In the following example, the compiler can check that the switch covers all possible cases.

type Dosage = {
    kind: "tablet",
    morning: number,
    midday: number,
    evening: number
} | {
    kind: "infusion",
    speed: number,
    duration: number

function formatDosage(dosage: Dosage) {
    let d: string;
    switch (dosage.kind) {
        case "tablet":
            d = m.dosage.morning + "-" + m.dosage.midday + "-" + m.dosage.evening
        case "infusion":
            d = m.dosage.speed + " ml/min for" + m.dosage.duration + "h"
    return m.drugName + ": " + d


Why are these constructs called sums and products? One simple illustration uses the number of values a sum or product type has. Consider the following Java enumerations:

enum T2 {
    A, B
enum T3 {
    X, Y, Z

(Of course, a Java enum is also a limited form of sum type.)

T2 has two values and T3 has three. Here‘s a product of these two types:

record P(T2 t2, T3 t3) {}

This type has six values - the product of 2 and 3. Now consider a sum:

sealed interface S{}
record RT2(T2 t2) implements S {}
record RT3(T3 t3) implements S {}

This has 2+3=5 values. So sums correspond to sums of numbers and products to products of numbers.

Another way to look at these two constructs would be from a set-theoretic perspective: products are basically cartesian products and sums are set unions. As the programming-language constructs for sums in Haskell or Java ensure that the participants in a sum are distinguishable from each other, they are also called disjoint or discriminated unions.


Sums and products are important building blocks of data models, allowing architects to create ergonomic, powerful software, durable architectures, and maintainable code. Despite the fundamental role these concepts play, it‘s unfortunate that universally accepted terms for sums and products are still lacking within the programming and architecture community.

For an extensive introduction to systematic data modeling with sums and products (using design recipes), check out Felleisen and colleagues‘ classical book How to Design Programs and the German book Schreibe Dein Programm!, both freely available online.

Sums and products are also covered in the iSAQB Advanced curriculi on Functional Architecture (FUNAR) and Domain-Specific Languages (DSL).